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Updated on 08-Jun-2023 17:44:54
Introduction Security is a primary concern for any system administrator. SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) is a mandatory access control (MAC) security mechanism that provides an additional layer of security to the Linux kernel. By default, SELinux is enabled in CentOS/RHEL 7, but it runs in permissive mode, which means it does not block the system activities but only logs them. In this article, we will learn how to enable SELinux in CentOS/RHEL 7. Importance of enabling SELinux in CentOS/RHEL 7 Enabling SELinux provides better protection for your server from attacks and unauthorized access. It adds an extra layer of ... Read More 
Updated on 08-Jun-2023 17:34:50
Introduction The RPMForge repository is a third-party package repository that contains various software packages that are not available in the default repositories of RHEL/CentOS 8. The repository provides additional software packages, updates, and patches that can be installed on your system to enhance its functionality and performance. By enabling RPMForge, you will have access to a vast range of software packages for RHEL/CentOS 8 that are otherwise unavailable. One of the main reasons why it's important to enable RPMForge repository in RHEL/CentOS 8 is because it provides access to software packages that are essential for system administrators and developers. ... Read More 
Updated on 08-Jun-2023 17:33:19
Introduction Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 is a popular and widely used operating system in the enterprise world. It is known for its stability, security, and performance. RHEL 8 was released in May 2019 and brought many new features and improvements to the table. It is built on top of a modular architecture that allows users to pick and choose which components they want to use. One important aspect of RHEL 8 is its subscription model. In order to use RHEL 8, users must have a valid subscription that provides access to software updates, security patches, technical ... Read More 
Updated on 08-Jun-2023 17:30:26
Introduction PM2 is a process manager for Node.js applications. It is capable of automatically restarting an application when it crashes, managing multiple applications at once, and providing detailed logs and error information. This tool has been widely adopted by Node.js developers due to its ease of use and powerful features. One of the most significant benefits of using PM2 is that it simplifies the management of Node.js applications by automating common tasks such as starting, stopping, and restarting processes. PM2 also provides monitoring capabilities that allow developers to track application performance metrics in real-time. The Importance of Auto ... Read More 
Updated on 08-Jun-2023 17:27:37
Introduction SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) is a security module that provides mandatory access control (MAC) to Linux-based systems. The SELinux module works by ensuring that each process and user on the system only has access to the resources they need. It does this by defining security contexts for processes, files, and other system resources. One of the key features of SELinux is its use of boolean values. These are binary options that can be set to either "on" or "off". Explanation of SELinux Boolean Values SELinux boolean values are binary options that determine whether a specific policy is enforced ... Read More 
Updated on 08-Jun-2023 17:25:56
Introduction NUX Dextop is a third-party repository that provides a wide range of multimedia and desktop packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS. It is an essential repository for users who need to install various multimedia applications, such as media players, codecs, and video editors. NUX Dextop also offers packages for desktop environments like GNOME, KDE, and Xfce. The importance of NUX Dextop lies in the fact that RHEL/CentOS does not provide multimedia software support out of the box due to licensing restrictions. Therefore, users who require these packages need to rely on third-party repositories like NUX ... Read More 
Updated on 08-Jun-2023 17:23:42
Introduction Web servers are at the heart of the internet, and as technology grows faster and more complex, modern web servers need to be able to handle a multitude of requests. One of the most popular open-source web servers is NGINX, a high-performance software that offers scalability, security, and reliability. NGINX is widely used because it's easy to use, deploy, and configure for different purposes. In this article we will discuss what NGINX status page is all about; why it's important; how you can enable it; customize it; monitor server performance using data generated from status page after enabling. ... Read More 
Updated on 08-Jun-2023 17:19:17
HTML has division and button elements that can be used to draw Dynamic Animation. The ability to generate interactive and visually graphics using web technologies is referred to as dynamic animation in HTML5. HTML5 includes a number of complex tools that enable developers to build dynamic and responsive animations by combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Animations extend from simple state transitions through complex interactive models and games. One of the primary advantages of implementing HTML5 for animation is that it is platform-independent and can run on a wide range of platforms, including desktop and mobile devices. HTML5 thus provides a strong tool ... Read More 
Updated on 08-Jun-2023 17:17:36
HTML has a placeholder and required attribute inside the input elements that can be used to display the Suggestions for input Field in HTML. The input element in HTML specifies the input field where the user can fill the data. The placeholder attributes define the suggestion in the input box. Visual Representation of Input Field Suggestion Syntax The required is defined by a boolean attribute that specifies the input field must be submitted. The input element is used to create the user enter data. The placeholder attribute is defined by giving suggestions to the input ... Read More 
Updated on 08-Jun-2023 17:14:39
In CSS, the @keyframes rule specifies a sequence of styles that an element should go through during the animation. Here in this article, we will learn how to create dynamic animations using these sequences in ‘@-keyframe’ rule. The ability to animate components on a web page in response to user interaction or changes is referred to as dynamic animation in CSS. Text, graphics, and buttons are examples of components that may be utilised to create visually attractive and engaging user experiences. These styles are then applied to the element via the animation property, which sets the animation's duration, timing function, ... Read More Advertisements