- Entity Framework Tutorial
- Entity Framework - Home
- Entity Framework - Overview
- Entity Framework - Architecture
- Entity F - Environment Setup
- Entity Framework - Database Setup
- Entity Framework - Data Model
- Entity Framework - DbContext
- Entity Framework - Types
- Entity Framework - Relationships
- Entity Framework - Lifecycle
- Entity F - Code First Approach
- Entity F - Model First Approach
- Entity F - Database First Approach
- Entity Framework - DEV Approaches
- Entity F - Database Operations
- Entity Framework - Concurrency
- Entity Framework - Transaction
- Entity Framework - Views
- Entity Framework - Index
- Entity F - Stored Procedures
- Entity F - Disconnected Entities
- Entity F - Table-Valued Function
- Entity Framework - Native SQL
- Entity Framework - Enum Support
- Entity F - Asynchronous Query
- Entity Framework - Persistence
- Entity F - Projection Queries
- Entity F - Command Logging
- Entity F - Command Interception
- Entity Framework - Spatial Data Type
- Entity Framework - Inheritance
- Entity Framework - Migration
- Entity Framework - Eager Loading
- Entity Framework - Lazy Loading
- Entity Framework - Explicit Loading
- Entity Framework - Validation
- Entity Framework - Track Changes
- Entity Framework - Colored Entities
- Entity F - Code First Approach
- Entity Framework - First Example
- Entity Framework - Data Annotations
- Entity Framework - Fluent API
- Entity Framework - Seed Database
- Entity F - Code First Migration
- Entity F - Multiple DbContext
- Entity F - Nested Entity Types
- Entity Framework Resources
- Entity Framework - Quick Guide
- Entity Framework - Useful Resources
- Entity Framework - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who
Entity Framework - Command Logging
In Entity Framework 6.0, a new feature is introduced which is known as Logging SQL. While working with Entity Framework, it sends commands or an equivalent SQL query to the database to do a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations.
This feature of the Entity Framework is to capture an equivalent SQL query generated by Entity Framework internally and provide it as output.
Before Entity Framework 6, whenever there was a need to trace database queries and command, the developer had no option but to use some third party tracing utility or database tracing tool.
In Entity Framework 6, this new feature provides a simple way by logging all the operations performed by Entity Framework.
All the activities which are performed by Entity Framework are logged using DbContext.Database.Log.
Let’s take a look at the following code in which a new student is added to the database.
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (var context = new UniContextEntities()) { context.Database.Log = Console.Write; // Create a new student and save it context.Students.Add(new Student { FirstMidName = "Salman", LastName = "Khan", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Today.ToString()) }); context.SaveChanges(); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
When the above code is executed, you will receive the following output, which is actually the log of all the activities performed by EF in the above code.
Opened connection at 10/28/2015 6:27:35 PM +05:00 Started transaction at 10/28/2015 6:27:35 PM +05:00 INSERT [dbo].[Student]([LastName], [FirstMidName], [EnrollmentDate]) VALUES (@0, @1, @2) SELECT [ID] FROM [dbo].[Student] WHERE @@ROWCOUNT > 0 AND [ID] = scope_identity() -- @0: 'Khan' (Type = String, Size = -1) -- @1: 'Salman' (Type = String, Size = -1) -- @2: '10/28/2015 12:00:00 AM' (Type = DateTime) -- Executing at 10/28/2015 6:27:35 PM +05:00 -- Completed in 5 ms with result: SqlDataReader Committed transaction at 10/28/2015 6:27:35 PM +05:00 Closed connection at 10/28/2015 6:27:35 PM +05:00
When the Log property is set the following activities are logged −
SQL for all different kinds of commands e.g. Queries, including inserts, updates, and deletes generated as part of SaveChanges
Whether or not the command is being executed asynchronously
A timestamp indicating when the command started executing
The command completed successfully or failed
Some indication of the result value
The approximate amount of time it took to execute the command
Logging to Other Place
If you already have some logging framework and it defines a logging method then you can also log it to other place.
Let’s take a look at the following example in which we have another class MyLogger.
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (var context = new UniContextEntities()) { context.Database.Log = s ⇒ MyLogger.Log("EFLoggingDemo", s); // Create a new student and save it context.Students.Add(new Student { FirstMidName = "Salman", LastName = "Khan", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Today.ToString()) }); context.SaveChanges(); Console.ReadKey(); } } } public class MyLogger { public static void Log(string application, string message) { Console.WriteLine("Application: {0}, EF Message: {1} ",application, message); } }
We recommend that you execute the above example in a step-by-step manner for better understanding.