![Software Developers Best Practices Tutorial](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/developers_best_practices/images/sdbp-mini-logo.jpg)
- Developer's Best Practices
- Introduction
- What is Practice?
- Code Reading & Reading
- Documentation is the Key
- Follow the Standards
- Write to be Reviewed
- Testing is the Religion
- Keep the Assets Safely
- Handy Tools & Techniques
- Eager to Learn
- Towards Managements
- Stress Management
- Managing Managers
- Career Planning
- Summary
- Useful Resources
- Resources
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who
Handy Tools & Techniques
Best Practice 7 - Keep your Tools & Techniques Handy
I remember an instance when I wanted to find out debug keyword in all the C++ files available in various directories and sub-directories, it took me 30 minutes to find the command, but finally, I kept a note of the command, and whenever I'm in need, I use it without wasting a second.
$find . -name \*.cpp -exec grep -q "debug" '{}' \; -print
So, I made it one of the best practices to keep such commands and tools handy so that they can be used anytime without doing any R&D and to save valuable time. Better to maintain a text file having all such frequently used commands and create its link at desktop.
![IT Tools & Techniques](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/developers_best_practices/images/tools_techniques.jpg)
Few Essential Tools
It depends on what type of programming, coding you are doing but following are few of the essential tools, which should be readily available with a software developer:
A good text editor to write and edit the program.
A nice debugger to debug the program.
A memory detector in case you are using dynamic memory allocation.
Putty to connect to a remote machine.
WinSCP or FileZilla to ftp files on a remote machine.
IDE ( Integrated Development Environment) for rapid development.
Always keep adding new tools & techniques in your box
![Tool Box](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/developers_best_practices/images/toolbox.jpg)
Make sure you keep applying latest patches of your tools and utilities and same time I will suggest to clean unwanted software from your computer as they unnecessarily make your computer slow and you never know if any one of them is having a security hole, which can expose your computer to the outside world.