
Hawa Russell


Create your first Primavera P6 schedule in 1 hours or less!

I’m Hawa Russell, an everyday mom, student, construction consultant and research analyst who last year was fed up with the boring, irrelevant and time consuming text books, instructional videos, and articles on scheduling. After months of reviewing scheduling material, software, and courses, I knew there had to be a simple and quick way to retain the information and retrieve what could be used right away. So I spent a LOT of trial and error to categorize the relevant information, the exact process and the exact tools I needed to make scheduling enjoyable. 

And now I want to share what I’ve learned with you, so you don’t have to spend as much time as I did figuring out what’s applicable, or worse.. suffer the same fate as so many others who consume themselves with information they don’t retain or enjoy!

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