HBase Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to HBase. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The number of HF files, one column family in Habse can have is

A - Equal to number of columns in the column family

B - More than one

C - Only one

D - Only tow

Answer : B


Onr column family can have multiple HF files associated with it.

Q 2 - Each version of data within a cell adds a versioning information through a

A - VersionNo

B - KeyValue

C - KeyNo

D - VersionValue

Answer : B


Each version of data within a cell contributes one KeyValue instance to the Result.

Q 3 - A scan returns bulk of rows. But only a selected few rows can be fetched form a scan using a

A - Group by clause

B - Minimize clause

C - Subset clause

D - Filter clause

Answer : D


The filer clause is used to retrun only a specific set of records and not the entire result of the scan.

Q 4 - All MapReduce jobs reading from an Hbase table accept their[K1,V1] pair in the form of

A - [rowid:cell value]

B - [rowkey:scan result]

C - [column Family:cell value]

D - [column attribute:scan result]

Answer : B


The key and value in a mapreduce job reading from a Hbase table correspond to the [rowkey:scan result] values.

Q 5 - The number of namespaces, HDFS provides to the regionservers of a Hbase database is

A - Equal to number of regionserver

B - Half of the number of regionserver

C - Double the number of regionserver

D - One

Answer : D


HDFS provides a single namespace to all the RegionServers,and any of them can access the persisted files from any other Regionserver.

Q 6 - While rows and columns keys are expressed as bytes, version is specified as

A - Date

B - Long integer

C - Short integer

D - Decimal

Answer : B


the version is specified using a long integer. Typically this long contains time instances such as those returned by java.util.Date.getTime()

Q 7 - How many types of delete markers are used by Hbase for deleting columns?

A - 2

B - 3

C - 4

D - 1

Answer : B


The three different types of column deletes in Hbase are

Delete − for a specific version of a column.

Delete column: for all versions of a column.

Delete family − for all columns of a particular ColumnFamily

Q 8 - You can process an arbitrary code on a region server using

A - Hbase Triggers

B - Coprocessors

C - Random processors

D - Arbitrary processor

Answer : B


A coprocessor enables you to run arbitrary code directly on each region server.

Answer : A


The Hbase tables by default are writable. They become read only by setting the readonly() option to true.

Q 10 - Before the edits in a HBAse logfile can be replayed they are separated into one logfile per region.

It is called −

A - Log splitting

B - Region splitting

C - WAL splitting

D - Replay splitting

Answer : A


The separation of log file into one log per region is called log splitting.
