![HTML Tutorial](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/html/images/html-mini-logo.jpg)
- HTML Tutorial
- HTML - Home
- HTML - Overview
- HTML - Basic Tags
- HTML - Elements
- HTML - Attributes
- HTML - Formatting
- HTML - Phrase Tags
- HTML - Meta Tags
- HTML - Comments
- HTML - Images
- HTML - Tables
- HTML - Lists
- HTML - Text Links
- HTML - Image Links
- HTML - Email Links
- HTML - Frames
- HTML - Iframes
- HTML - Blocks
- HTML - Backgrounds
- HTML - Colors
- HTML - Fonts
- HTML - Forms
- HTML - Embed Multimedia
- HTML - Marquees
- HTML - Header
- HTML - Style Sheet
- HTML - Javascript
- HTML - Layouts
- HTML References
- HTML - Tags Reference
- HTML - Attributes Reference
- HTML - Events Reference
- HTML - Fonts Reference
- HTML - ASCII Codes
- ASCII Table Lookup
- HTML - Color Names
- HTML - Entities
- HTML - Fonts Ref
- HTML - Events Ref
- MIME Media Types
- HTML - URL Encoding
- Language ISO Codes
- HTML - Character Encodings
- HTML - Deprecated Tags
- HTML Resources
- HTML - Quick Guide
- HTML - Useful Resources
- HTML - Color Code Builder
- HTML - Online Editor
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who
HTML - Fonts Reference
Fonts are specific to platform. You will have different look and feel of a web page on different machines running different operating systems like Windows, Linux or Mac iOS. Here we are giving a list of fonts which are available in various operating systems.
HTML <font> tag is deprecated in version 4.0 onwards and now all fonts are set by using CSS. Here is the simple syntax of setting font of a body of web page.
body { font-family: "new century schoolbook"; } or <body style = "font-family:new century schoolbook;">
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Font Setting Using CSS</title> </head> <body> <p>Change any of the style and try it.</p> <div style = "font-family:verdana;">This is demo for font family</div> <br /> <div style = "font-size:120%;">This is demo for font size</div> <br /> <div style = "font-size:14pt;">This is demo for font size</div> </body> </html>
This will produce the following result −
Fonts for Microsoft Systems
Font | Font | Font |
Andale Mono | Arial | Arial Bold |
Arial Italic | Arial Bold Italic | Arial Black |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS Bold | Courier New |
Courier New Bold | Courier New Italic | Courier New Bold Italic |
Georgia | Georgia Bold | Georgia Italic |
Georgia Bold Italic | Impact | Lucida Console |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Marlett | Minion Web |
Symbol | Times New Roman | Times New Roman Bold |
Times New Roman Italic | Times New Roman Bold Italic | Tahoma |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS Bold | Trebuchet MS Italic |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | Verdana | Verdana Bold |
Verdana Italic | Verdana Bold Italic | Webdings |
You can check example fonts here − Microsoft Fonts Examples
Fonts for Macintosh Systems
Following is the list of fonts supported by Macintosh System 7 and higher versions
Font | Font | Font |
American Typewriter | Andale Mono | Apple Chancery |
Arial | Arial Black | Brush Script |
Baskerville | Big Caslon | Comic Sans MS |
Copperplate | Courier New | Gill Sans |
Futura | Herculanum | Impact |
Lucida Grande | Marker Felt | Optima |
Trebuchet MS | Verdana | Webdings |
Palatino | Symbol | Times |
Osaka | Papyrus | Times New Roman |
Textile | Zapf Dingbats | Zapfino |
Techno | Hoefler Text | Skia |
Hoefler Text Ornaments | Capitals | Charcoal |
Gadget | Sand |
You can check example fonts here − Mac Fonts Examples
Fonts for Unix Systems
Following is the list of fonts supported by most Unix System variants
Font | Font | Font |
Charter | Clean | Courier |
Fixed | Helvetica | Lucida |
Lucida bright | Lucida Typewriter | New Century Schoolbook |
Symbol | Terminal | Times |
Utopia |
You can check example fonts here − Unix Fonts Examples
There are 27 = 128 printable characters which can be represented by different 7-BIT ASCII codes. Another set of characters are not for HTML representation but they are devised to control hardware.
Following tables list down all the 7-BIT ASCII codes and their equivalent HTML Entity Codes.
If you want to see equivalent HEX, OCT and extended set of ASCII codes then check next chapter.
7-BIT Printable ASCII Characters
ASCII Characters | Description | HTML Entity Codes |
space |   | |
! | exclamation mark | ! |
" | quotation mark | " |
# | number sign | # |
$ | dollar sign | $ |
% | percent sign | % |
& | ampersand | & |
' | apostrophe | ' |
( | left parenthesis | ( |
) | right parenthesis | ) |
* | asterisk | * |
+ | plus sign | + |
, | comma | , |
- | hyphen | - |
. | period | . |
/ | slash | / |
0 | digit 0 | 0 |
1 | digit 1 | 1 |
2 | digit 2 | 2 |
3 | digit 3 | 3 |
4 | digit 4 | 4 |
5 | digit 5 | 5 |
6 | digit 6 | 6 |
7 | digit 7 | 7 |
8 | digit 8 | 8 |
9 | digit 9 | 9 |
: | colon | : |
; | semicolon | ; |
< | less-than | < |
= | equals-to | = |
> | greater-than | > |
? | question mark | ? |
@ | at sign | @ |
A | uppercase A | A |
B | uppercase B | B |
C | uppercase C | C |
D | uppercase D | D |
E | uppercase E | E |
F | uppercase F | F |
G | uppercase G | G |
H | uppercase H | H |
I | uppercase I | I |
J | uppercase J | J |
K | uppercase K | K |
L | uppercase L | L |
M | uppercase M | M |
N | uppercase N | N |
O | uppercase O | O |
P | uppercase P | P |
Q | uppercase Q | Q |
R | uppercase R | R |
S | uppercase S | S |
T | uppercase T | T |
U | uppercase U | U |
V | uppercase V | V |
W | uppercase W | W |
X | uppercase X | X |
Y | uppercase Y | Y |
Z | uppercase Z | Z |
[ | left square bracket | [ |
\ | backslash | \ |
] | right square bracket | ] |
^ | caret | ^ |
_ | underscore | _ |
` | grave accent | ` |
a | lowercase a | a |
b | lowercase b | b |
c | lowercase c | c |
d | lowercase d | d |
e | lowercase e | e |
f | lowercase f | f |
g | lowercase g | g |
h | lowercase h | h |
i | lowercase i | i |
j | lowercase j | j |
k | lowercase k | k |
l | lowercase l | l |
m | lowercase m | m |
n | lowercase n | n |
o | lowercase o | o |
p | lowercase p | p |
q | lowercase q | q |
r | lowercase r | r |
s | lowercase s | s |
t | lowercase t | t |
u | lowercase u | u |
v | lowercase v | v |
w | lowercase w | w |
x | lowercase x | x |
y | lowercase y | y |
z | lowercase z | z |
{ | left curly brace | { |
| | vertical bar | | |
} | right curly brace | } |
~ | tilde | ~ |
7-BIT ASCII Device Control Characters
ASCII Characters | Description | HTML Entity Codes |
NUL | null character | � |
SOH | start of header |  |
STX | start of text |  |
ETX | end of text |  |
EOT | end of transmission |  |
ENQ | enquiry |  |
ACK | acknowledge |  |
BEL | bell (ring) |  |
BS | backspace |  |
HT | horizontal tab | 	 |
LF | line feed | |
VT | vertical tab |  |
FF | form feed |  |
CR | carriage return | |
SO | shift out |  |
SI | shift in |  |
DLE | data link escape |  |
DC1 | device control 1 |  |
DC2 | device control 2 |  |
DC3 | device control 3 |  |
DC4 | device control 4 |  |
NAK | negative acknowledge |  |
SYN | synchronize |  |
ETB | end transmission block |  |
CAN | cancel |  |
EM | end of medium |  |
SUB | substitute |  |
ESC | escape |  |
FS | file separator |  |
GS | group separator |  |
RS | record separator |  |
US | unit separator |  |
DEL | delete (rubout) |  |