- Ubuntu Tutorial
- Ubuntu - Home
- Ubuntu - Overview
- Ubuntu - Flavors
- Ubuntu - Environment
- Ubuntu - Device Drivers
- Ubuntu - Software Center
- Ubuntu - Browsers
- Ubuntu - Email
- Ubuntu - Messaging
- Ubuntu - Media Players
- Ubuntu - User Management
- Ubuntu - Files & Folders
- Ubuntu - Word Writer
- Ubuntu - Spreadsheets
- Ubuntu - LibreOffice
- Ubuntu - Command Line
- Ubuntu - Scripting
- Ubuntu - Networking
- Ubuntu - Server Installation
- Ubuntu - Secure Shell
- Ubuntu - Development
- Ubuntu - Nginx
- Ubuntu - Virtual Machines
- Ubuntu - Installing MySQL & Python
- Ubuntu - Node.js
- Ubuntu - Docker
- Ubuntu - On the Cloud
- Ubuntu Useful Resources
- Ubuntu - Quick Guide
- Ubuntu - Useful Resources
- Ubuntu - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

Ubuntu Tutorial
This tutorial looks at the various aspects of the Ubuntu Operating system. It discusses various features, flavors, and working of the Ubuntu desktop edition. A comparison is made against software which we would normally find on a Windows operating system. There are chapters that focus on the server version of Ubuntu. This tutorial also includes separate chapters for those who are interested in understanding the virtual machines and cloud aspects of Ubuntu.
Ubuntu Linux has been around for quite some time in the industry. This tutorial will be beneficial for those who want to learn some basic concepts of the Ubuntu desktop and server edition.
You should be familiar with a basic operating system such as Windows and the various programs that are already available on the Windows operating system.