- Prototype Tutorial
- Prototype - Home
- Prototype - Short Overview
- Prototype - Useful Features
- Prototype - Utility Methods
- Prototype - Element Object
- Prototype - Number Processing
- Prototype - Strings Processing
- Prototype - Array Processing
- Prototype - Hash processing
- Prototype - Basic Object
- Prototype - Templating
- Prototype - Enumerating
- Prototype - Event Handling
- Prototype - Form Management
- Prototype - JSON Support
- Prototype - AJAX Support
- Prototype - Expressing Ranges
- Prototype - Periodical Execution
- Prototype Useful Resources
- Prototype - Quick Guide
- Prototype - Useful Resources
- Prototype - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

Prototype Tutorial
This tutorial gives a complete understanding on Prototype. Prototype is distributed as a single file called prototype.js. Prototype is an object in javaScript from which other objects inherit properties.
This tutorial has been written for users willing to learn the JavaScript Prototype object and its usage. Beginners as well as experienced users can refer this tutorial to brush up or learn the JavaScript prototypes.
To learn prototype you should have the basic knowledge of JavaScript and its properties.