- Managing Customers
- CRM - 21st Century Customers
- CRM - Building Value for Customers
- CRM - Managing the Customers
- CRM Implementation
- CRM - Implementing CRM Projects
- CRM - Customer Related Databases
- CRM and Automation
- CRM - Sales Force Automation (SFA)
- CRM - Marketing Automation
- CRM - Service Automation
- CRM - Emerging Trends
- CRM Resources
- CRM - Quick Guide
- CRM - Useful Resources
- CRM - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

Customer Relationship Management Tutorial
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in a very broad way can be defined as the efforts made towards creating, developing, and maintaining a healthy and long-lasting relationship with the customers using technology. This tutorial is an introductory guide to CRM that touches upon various topics such as understanding 21st century customers and managing them, building value for them, CRM software, and future trends in CRM.
This tutorial is prepared for beginners to help them understand the basics of Customer Relationship Management. It will be quite a useful learning material for all those readers who want to make a career in management and professionals who interact with customers as the face of their companies.
We assume the reader has a basic knowledge of business administration, marketing concepts, basic database concepts, and software. Analytical thinking, strategic thinking, and good communication skills are a plus.