You are not alone. Digital Disruption experts are here to help you to build your career in the Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Science.
A good beginning is the half of the success you have achieved half the success by enrolling to our course, rest half is consistent learning after that great beginning. We are committed to excel in providing good beginning and consistent learning to our learners.
Skill-up to Scale-up. Start with our incredible course. Wish you all the very best for your future endeavors.
Voyage continues in the learning of excellence. Happy learning.
Chief Executive Officer
SINGAPORE - 049422
Introduction to Python
Data Structures in Python
Control Structures and Functions
Python for Data Science
Introduction to NumPy
Operations on NumPy Arrays
Introduction to Pandas
Getting and Cleaning Data
Data Visualisation in Python
Introduction to Data Visualisation
Basics of Visualisation
Plotting Data Distributions
Plotting Categorical and Time-Series Data
No programming experience is needed.