Servlets and JSP are the backbone of all modern day Web Applications!
In this course, we will start by talking about some network component and we understand the basics of networking with simple real world examples. And then we jump in to some real good examples on network programming.
Here, we will take examples of socket communication through TCP/IP, UDP, Broadcasting, Multi casting, and many more examples.
By, now you must gain foundation knowledge to explore about servlets and JSP's and to enter the world of JavaEE!
Learning about Servlets and JSP, lay a great foundation for learning all modern day frameworks. This course is almost like a prerequisite for learning modern day Java Frameworks as they internally relay on these technologies. This course will surely will make your Java journey smooth without any glitches.
We will start by talking about the basics of servlet's and JSP with some real good example programs and cover everything that you need to know on Servelet and JSP technologies!
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