ChatGPT, how to use it - Simplified aims to teach you how to interact with artificial intelligence through the ChatGPT platform. The course begins with an introduction to artificial intelligence technology and how ChatGPT can help improve communication skills.
As the course progresses, students learn to use ChatGPT to generate clear and concise responses and how to return only the primary reaction by removing unnecessary text. This course also covers advanced techniques to make the most of the power of artificial intelligence.
This course will help you move from zero knowledge to becoming a Hero on ChatGPT utilization and some ideas on implementing it in your organization, including opportunities, challenges, and real-world examples.
Additionally, you will understand how to apply some special instructions to set the level of creativity, exclude or include some words or phrases, add external text to analyze current information, and more.
You will get Tips and Tricks about ChatGPT integration with your daily work.
In summary, the ChatGPT for Beginners course is a comprehensive guide to learning to communicate effectively with artificial intelligence using ChatGPT. Students will learn advanced techniques to improve their communication skills and make the most of the power of AI technology.
In the last section of this course, we include questions, answers, and common concerns the community shares.
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