
The Complete SSAS 2019 Data Mining for Industrial Projects: From Zero to Expert [2023]

SSAS Data Mining for Industrial Projects; Build The Model, Write an App With C#, and Connect It to This App! + 94$ Gifts!

Course Description

A Sad Yet Fascinating Story

The Story Of My Becoming A Senior SSAS Specialist: 

#1: It All Started 11 Years Ago.

How sad and interesting is the story of my becoming a Senior SSAS Specialist.

I had just begun to study computers at university with a great passion for Data Analysis. I would mostly read books that were related to this field. I would attend classes in which this subject was being taught. SSAS and I were inseparable. I intended to understand them fully. I was so eager that I wanted to discover, concur, and achieve it. 

The first years were fine. Then, I wondered, “How Do These Concepts Apply To The Industry?”. A question that no one seemed to have an answer to. I understood that the problem was not in what books I was reading or in my classes.

#2: I Felt Lost. I Had To Do Something About It.

I thought I should see and read more educational resources. Newer concepts couldn’t also help me. Anything I had learned would frustrate me even more than help me. I had mastered the concepts of the Cube, Dimension, Fact, etc. So well that I could quickly answer all the questions in this field. The MDX section was like a warmup game for me. I could easily implement any data mining algorithm. Some mechanics can diagnose a car problem just by looking at it. Well, this had happened to me about “Schema.” As soon as I looked at the structure, I understood the schema type and all the connections between dimensions and facts. 

#3: But My Solution Had A Problem.

Just like a first-grade student who simply has a lot of information. But what about practical uses? I felt I wasn’t ready for the industry. And that's when I realized I had to do a better solution for it.

#4: Really, What Exactly Did I Want?

 I was seeking a roadmap to show me everything about the usage and the methods to use it from the start to the end.

I had to understand the consequences of being weak in these subjects. For example, where would I get stuck if I didn't understand the concept of making a model well? Are all of this information and knowledge necessary for an industrial project? Which one should I learn sooner? When I started the project, Should I start building the model or work on designing the architecture of the project? When do I use the Schemas? The end-user sees an interface in the form of mobile apps, web, etc.; the topics discussed here are all technical! What is the relationship between these? How to deliver the final output of our work to the customer? I was looking for a step-by-step plan. I want to know what technical work is done at each stage and how to deliver the product the customer wants.

Do you think my concern was unreasonable?

#5: So I Had To Enter A Company To Answer My Requests.

 I got a job at a private company, but my high self-confidence got me into trouble. I was so focused on the theoretical and practical sections that I didn’t realize that, from a company's perspective, these aren’t expertise. It was then that I realized I wasn’t useful to the industry, and I was not even considered an expert in the industry!

#6: After Getting Fired, I Had Two Options.

 The first option was to find someone who has gone through this journey before and has high experience in expert corporations. But, are they willing to, honestly and patiently, explain the roadmap to me? In this case, I would find the right path, and also I would save a lot of time. In the most optimistic case, they would teach all the concepts we need in a project to a graduate like me. Even if they would just show me the roadmap, it was enough. I would go through resources as I did before, and eventually, after a year or two, I would reach the desired outcome.

The second option was to find the courage and start working from the bottom. I have to spend as much time as possible until I find the roadmap. Of course, I was forced to choose the second option because finding someone who would teach honestly and patiently was practically a failure.

#7: Please Don't Repeat This Terrible Path!

You have probably guessed by now that you are supposed to choose the first way. I am supposed to be the person I dreamed of 11 years ago because I am going to be by your side and transfer all my knowledge and experience to you.

I have provided the result of my 17 years of applied and academic experience in the field of Data and 11 years of SSAS experience in international projects in a Course.

What's better than this?

I knew it would take a long time to build this course, but I’m so glad I did. Because I know my students will be the best SSAS specialists in the world.

I have over 10 years of industrial experience in SSAS projects, so I know what it takes to succeed and become an SSAS Specialist.

Now This expertise is entirely yours for the taking.

In the form of 5 industrial projects and in a short time.

#8: Why Did I Design This Course?

I have concluded that theoretical resources cannot answer the questions of a curious and eager student. I had an interest in data. I read and saw all the resources passionately. However, the inability to find the answer ruined my passion. 

I said to myself that there are some people like me. They have interest and perseverance, but they don't have a road map. Give them 11 years of experience.

Now, do you understand why I designed this course?

#9: The Difference Between This Course And Other Courses?

I have determined a specific and different roadmap for every concept of the SSAS. I put the answers to all of my old questions into this course. I categorized the pictures by the order they would appear in an industrial project. So here, you won't be dealing with a bunch of concepts in a row. It is an actual example of the necessary tools and how to use them.

Each section is the following of its previous chapter. This helps you execute your project step by step. This continues until the project is implemented and made available to the customer.

I have put all my effort into writing this course with an efficient method. You may be able to find these subjects little by little in different books, but you won’t find this practical method in them. 

The audience can see a project from the beginning to the end, recognize the necessary concepts in the right spot, and deliver a complete project to the customer. Like a compassionate and honest companion, this course will guide you through the whole process of a practical project.

What you see in this course, you won’t find in any other methods. Perhaps it’s better to say that you won’t find it in any other practices the way it is said in this course. If the point is to see theoretical approaches, I have seen them all, and it hasn’t gotten me anywhere! In this course, facts have been stated in a way that is as useful as possible. There is a step-by-step explanation in the roadmap. See this course and, just like a treasure map, start working on a project. In every section, there are enough examples to understand the concepts. 

#10: What Is The Teaching Method In This Course?

  • Firstly, we do 5 industrial projects step by step together. In each project, there are one or more challenges that you will see in many industrial projects. The selection of these projects is entirely intentional to see these challenges in real projects. We will solve them, and I am sure you will enjoy every part.

  • But the excitement of this course does not end here! In the final project, we implement a Recommendation System similar to other projects in this period, from A to Z. Then, we write an application for it (in C #) and connect it to our project output. Now we provide a beautiful and user-friendly production to the customer. The user just needs to select any number of inputs (products), and by the chosen inputs, the system of products related to his choices will offer to him.

The customer wants the same output.

And do not worry at all these stages. The method of doing each of these cases is taught during the execution. The goal is to make what you learn work in an actual project, not just to create a data source. Otherwise, what is the difference between this course and other available educational resources?!

Are you relieved now?!

  • And the third place you will enjoy is the part where we layer the project and learn about the world behind OLAP from a different perspective.

From the many projects I already had, I extracted a layer that I will teach you entirely here and apply to our projects. This way, it will be straightforward for you to understand and troubleshoot the different parts of each project. You will appreciate this later.

You are the first person to know this method that I have created.

#11: What Happens At The End?

  1.  My approach in this tutorial is to prepare you for any industrial project. After passing this course, you can design and implement any actual project (from A to deliver the final version of the project in the form of an application such as a site to the end customer).

  2.  I assumed you did not know SSAS. Now you want to learn it and work from the beginning, professionally and industry-based.

  3.  All this happens in a short time.

#12: The Final Tip For Becoming A Senior SSAS Specialist?

You do not need to have 11 years of practical and industrial experience with SSAS to become an SSAS specialist. I have come a long way, and I have provided the result of my 17 years of applied and academic experience in the field of Data and 11 years of SSAS experience in international projects in this Course. From the zero-step to building the model, writing an application with C# language, connecting the project's final output to this application, and finally delivering it to the end customer (the customer wants the same production).

If you didn’t consider yourself a Senior SSAS Specialist before this course, after doing all the exercises and after seeing the last video, write this in your notebook: “I am, proudly, a Senior SSAS Specialist!”

#13: Two Valuable Gifts

With this course, I wrote a different educational book for you that is entirely in the form of infographics. We start from the basics of SSAS to the end and move into all parts with an industrial vision. 

For example, in this book, you will learn a 9-step method for recognizing Dimensions and Facts step-by-step. I am sure that once you understand it, you will be able to identify these two critical points in any project. These points are taken from my personal experiences in real projects. The tutorial in this book is prepared in two parts: the first for beginners and the second for intermediates. If you are a beginner, this book (with the course video content) makes you a professional differently. The educational videos produced based on the content of this book will be added to the course soon, in the form of updates and for free. By doing this, I will be relieved that you have a complete training package that eliminates the need for you from any source.

#14: Final Note

this course never ends. I regularly review industrial and world-class projects, teach other languages, including Python, from A to Z, and add to the course for free.

Moslem Afrashteh | Founder of Nill2Bill

See You.


  • The whole SSAS in the form of 5 industrial projects & 3 infographic books (From collecting data to writing an app with C#).
  • Analysis and implementation from A to Z of each SSAS industrial project (until delivery to the customer)
  • Professional project layering and SSAS behind-the-scenes understanding in a different and new way.
  • Connection the final output of the model to any type of application (Web, Windows, Mobile, Power BI, etc.).
  • You will get a good job in a big company after you take this course.


  • Do Not Worry. I have prepared a complete SSAS learning package for you.
  • You will learn everything you need to get started, either in the course or in the mini graphic books as a gift. These mini-books were made in an infographic format and in a very professional way.
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The Complete SSAS 2019 Data Mining for Industrial Projects: From Zero to Expert [2023]
This Course Includes
  • 3.5 hours
  • 32 Lectures
  • 10 Resources
  • Completion Certificate Sample Certificate
  • Lifetime Access Yes
  • Language English
  • 30-Days Money Back Guarantee

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