Get Hands on Experience on Oracle SQL Data Modeler, Mastering PL/SQL, SQL Database ( PostgreSQL ), SQL Course Covering Basic To Advanced SQL Topics For SQL Database ( PostgreSQL ). Elucidates SQL Database For Beginners.We will help you to understand and explore one of the most important databases in single pack Oracle SQL, MySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, Elucidates SQL Database.
Scope of Database Management:
- Database Management systems are widely used by companies and organizations to maintain their data information secure and informative.
- After completion of course students should be able to work in automotive, banking, IT/ITES sector.
- Database Administration Manager can earn as much as $115,000 a year.
- SQL from Basics to the Advanced Level
- Learning SQL on both popular MySQL and Oracle RDBMS Software
- Enhance the performance of your Database by using Views and Indexes
- Increase your efficiency by learning the best practices while writing SQL queries
- Relevant theoretical concepts also covered so that you excel in BI Job interviews and Vivas
- Understand and develop business process models( data flow diagrams) through Oracle SQL modeler.
- Database Normalization with Examples - 1st, 2nd and 3rd form of Normalization
- Effective creation of Process models, Logical data models, and Relational data model
- Use of Relational Data model and auto-generate DDL scripts
- Having some basic computer knowledge.
- Basic knowledge of SQL
- Just a PC with any web browser