- Jackson Annotations Tutorial
- Jackson - Home
- Serialization Annotations
- Jackson - @JsonAnyGetter
- Jackson - @JsonGetter
- @JsonPropertyOrder
- Jackson - @JsonRawValue
- Jackson - @JsonValue
- Jackson - @JsonRootName
- Jackson - @JsonSerialize
- Deserialization Annotations
- Jackson - @JsonCreator
- Jackson - @JacksonInject
- Jackson - @JsonAnySetter
- Jackson - @JsonSetter
- Jackson - @JsonDeserialize
- @JsonEnumDefaultValue
- Property Inclusion Annotations
- @JsonIgnoreProperties
- Jackson - @JsonIgnore
- Jackson - @JsonIgnoreType
- Jackson - @JsonInclude
- Jackson - @JsonAutoDetect
- Type Handling Annotations
- Jackson - @JsonTypeInfo
- Jackson - @JsonSubTypes
- Jackson - @JsonTypeName
- General Annotations
- Jackson - @JsonProperty
- Jackson - @JsonFormat
- Jackson - @JsonUnwrapped
- Jackson - @JsonView
- @JsonManagedReference
- @JsonBackReference
- Jackson - @JsonIdentityInfo
- Jackson - @JsonFilter
- Miscellaneous
- Custom Annotation
- MixIn Annotations
- Disable Annotation
- Jackson Annotations Resources
- Jackson - Quick Guide
- Jackson - Useful Resources
- Jackson - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

Jackson Annotations Tutorial
Jackson is a very popular and efficient java based library to serialize or map java objects to JSON and vice versa. This tutorial will teach you basic and advanced Jackson library Annotations features and their usage in a simple and intuitive way.
This reference has been prepared for the Java developers from beginner to expert level. After completing this tutorial you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in knowledge of Jackson library from where you can take yourself to next levels
Knowledge of JAVA programming language.