- Memcached Basics
- Memcached - Home
- Memcached - Overview
- Memcached - Environment
- Memcached - Connection
- Memcached Storage Commands
- Memcached - Set Data
- Memcached - Add Data
- Memcached - Replace Data
- Memcached - Append Data
- Memcached - Prepend Data
- Memcached - CAS
- Memcached Retrieval Commands
- Memcached - Get Data
- Memcached - Get CAS Data
- Memcached - Delete Key
- Memcached - Delete Data
- Memcached - Incr/Decr
- Memcached Statistics Commands
- Memcached - Stats
- Memcached - Stats Items
- Memcached - Stats Slabs
- Memcached - Stats sizes
- Memcached - Clear Data
- Memcached Useful Resources
- Memcached - Quick Guide
- Memcached - Useful Resources
- Memcached - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who
Memcached - Connection
To connect to a Memcached server, you need to use the telnet command on HOST and PORT names.
The basic syntax of Memcached telnet command is as shown below −
$telnet HOST PORT
Here, HOST and PORT are machine IP and port number respectively, on which the Memcached server is executing.
The following example shows how to connect to a Memcached server and execute a simple set and get command. Assume that the Memcached server is running on host and port 11211.
$telnet 11211 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. // now store some data and get it from memcached server set tutorialspoint 0 900 9 memcached STORED get tutorialspoint VALUE tutorialspoint 0 9 memcached END
Connection from Java Application
To connect the Memcached server from your java program, you need to add the Memcached jar into your classpath as shown in the previous chapter. Assume that the Memcached server is running on host and port 11211. −
import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient; public class MemcachedJava { public static void main(String[] args) { // Connecting to Memcached server on localhost MemcachedClient mcc = new MemcachedClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 11211)); System.out.println("Connection to server sucessfully"); //not set data into memcached server System.out.println("set status:"+mcc.set("tutorialspoint", 900, "memcached").done); //Get value from cache System.out.println("Get from Cache:"+mcc.get("tutorialspoint")); } }
On compiling and executing the program, you get to see the following output −
Connection to server successfully set status:true Get from Cache:memcached.
The terminal may show few informational messages too, those can be ignored.