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Found 553 Articles for MS Excel

Updated on 29-May-2023 12:38:16
Data storage, analysis, and presentation are frequently done using Excel. The popular programming language Python, on the other hand, is renowned for its ease of use, adaptability, and versatility. For use with Excel spreadsheets and for various task automation, Python offers a number of libraries. We can easily make use of Python for automating Excel spreadsheets. For doing the same, we will be covering various approaches in this article: Approaches Using the openpyxl library Using the pandas library Using the xlwings library Method 1: Using the openpyxl library We can use the Python Openpyxl package for interacting with ... Read More 
Updated on 22-May-2023 15:39:58
In the article user will understand the process of generating a cell value by utilizing the row and column numbers in excel. The main purpose of the article is to describe two simple ways to solve the provided task. In the first example, an already defined formula is used, that is by utilizing the INDIRECT value, user can generate the required result. On the other hand, the second example is generating the same cell value by using the VBA code. After writing the VBA code, the user needs to generate a function call from a provided method. Example 1: ... Read More 
Updated on 22-May-2023 16:01:56
In this article, the user will learn the process of accessing a list of the last or recently opened Excel files. Before starting the article, it is important to understand the reason or purpose of using this task. Consider below provided the advantage that the user can get by using the provided task − Accessing the list of last or current opened Excel files will allow the user to access the data quickly, having access to a list of recently opened files can save time by allowing you to quickly open a file without having to navigate through ... Read More 
Updated on 22-May-2023 15:53:48
In this article, the user will understand the concept of generating the last business day of the previous month in Excel. The first example will guide the user through the process of using the formula, while the second example performs the same task by using the VBA code. For example, if today is May 6, 2023, then the date April 29, 2023, would be the last working day of the preceding month, assuming that weekends and holidays are not considered business days. Example 1: By using the user-defined formula: Step 1: To understand the process of using ... Read More 
Updated on 22-May-2023 15:44:53
In this article, the user will learn the process of getting the active worksheet location/path in excel by using the three possible methods. This article contains three examples. The first example is based on the user defined formula. While the second example is based on the use of VBA code, and finally third example makes use of kutool extension. All the three examples use the same excel sheet, to display the processing. The provided three examples will precisely perform the same task but use different approaches. The main purpose of this article is to understand the available different type of ... Read More 
Updated on 22-May-2023 15:43:26
Referencing a cell in Excel from another sheet means that the user is indirectly using the value or formula in a cell from a different sheet within the same workbook. Let’s understand some common benefits of using reference cells from another worksheet in Excel. It helps in improving the organization of data. It allows the user to separate the data and calculations into different sheets, making it easier to organize and manage the workbook. Another common benefit is increased efficiency. Referencing cells in another sheet allows users to reuse formulas and data without any need to copy and paste ... Read More 
Updated on 22-May-2023 15:42:44
Maximum values simply mean the highest data value, and minimum data value contains the least available data values. In this article, the user will learn two ways such as by using the subtotal method to calculate the max and min values, and another possible way is by using kutool to perform the same task. Please understand that both features are already provided by the Excel application software and the user only requires to use the available option, to achieve the possible results. Example 1: To obtain the maximum and minimum value from the visible cell in Excel by using ... Read More 
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:45:24
A Gantt chart can be a straight bar utilized within a project organization to visually epitomize a task program over a period. Gantt chart displays the timeline and status along with the responsible person for every job within the task. It can be an easy method to message what it may get to distribute a task on time and within budget. It is a full lot simpler to retain the project group and investors on a similar page from the get go. Charts can appear difficult at first. The users may be capable to tell what the tasks are and ... Read More 
Updated on 11-May-2023 13:54:38
In Excel, users sometimes want to display cells with zero values as blanks rather than hiding them from view. One may or may not need zero (0) numbers to be visible on the worksheets depending on the situation. There are several methods to make zeroes visible or hidden, depending on the format's standards or preferences. How do we show a zero value in Excel when we need to? This article concentrates on ways to make Excel worksheet cells with zero values invisible or visible. In this article, learners will understand the simplest practice to hide or display cells with zero ... Read More 
Updated on 11-May-2023 13:50:38
In Excel, the user will understand the concept of how to hide negative numbers in Excel. Equations can also be written using integers with negative values. In this article, the user will learn three common examples. The first example is based on negative numbers by using conditional formatting. The second example is based on hiding the negative number by using the format cell option. Both examples are explained thoroughly within the article. Example 1: To hide the negative numbers in Excel by using the conditional formatting Step 1 The sample spreadsheet contains total 9 numbers. Few of them are negative ... Read More Advertisements